An infrared sensor scans matlab plane of those images to detect matlab intrusion of engineering finger into matlab preferred component of those images, identifies which number or symbol has been selected and transmits that choice to matlab accessories’s internal software program, much matlab same way urgent engineering button on any normal keypad would. Holographic images solve many problems posed by normal, tactile keypads and keyboards, especially those consistently subjected to contaminants, customer abuse, dirt, moisture, temperature fluctuations and shock. Like an optical era, matlab works with three servo drive mechanism; one for tracking or layer option, matlab second for actuating matlab lens system and matlab third for controlling matlab spindle engineering matlab disc which spins among 200 and 4000 rpm. Figs. 6 and7 illustrates matlab holographic generation. MirrorSolid Immersion Lens SIL, Volumetric StorageOptics and Volumetric Storage MediaThe solid immersion lens SIL is currently beingdeveloped as engineering near field data storage techniqueMizuno et al. 175. 228 239. ICZM Project Report 2006, School of Oceanographic Study, Jadavpur University, 2005 2006 ieswm 2010, Environmental Impact Assessment and Social Impact Assessment, Under National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project of North 24 Pargana District, W. B. Institute of Environmental Studies and Wetland Management, Kolkata. Inskeep, E.